September 16, 2008

Have you EVER been to Fort Mifflin?

Whoa! Check it out... The Chester County Council Boy Scouts are camping at Fort Mifflin!
On the weekend of October 3-5, 2008, Boy Scout Troops will be descending upon the historic fort for a weekend of historic good times. Webelos Cub scouts will be able to camp as visiting guests of Troops. All registered Scouts are welcome to attend on Saturday for the program events.

Our Fort Mifflin on the Delaware Camporee has many things to offer Units wishing to participate in an exciting, interactive camping event. The Fort may not be well known in Chester County but is single handedly responsible for allowing General Washington's troops retreat to Valley Forge for the winter. Valley Forge is considered the turning point of the Revolution, so without the gallant defenders of Fort Mifflin we might be speaking with an English accent today!

And history is just the beginning... Scouts will learn so much more about the fort that saved America and they'll get the opportunity to tour the Fort both during the day Saturday and Friday night for the authentic and well documented Ghost Tour.

That's right, Fort Mifflin on the Delaware is haunted!

In addition, there will be lots for the scouts to see and do including participating in musket firings and cannon demonstrations with live firings throughout the weekend. We'll cap the wknd with an exciting Saturday night Campfire program.
So come see the fort that saved America and join in the fun by registering on!
Cub Scouts are encouraged to attend and should also pre-register (if possible) or , if pre-registering is not possible, just show up by 8:30 am Saturday at the Fort.

Directions to Fort Mifflin are available on the Chester County Council website at

September 8, 2008

September Roundtable - CANCELLED!

Hi everyone, the September Roundtable meeting, normally reserved for Thursday, September 11th, will NOT be held. Due to numerous conflicts with school calendars, the conflict of Unit Popcorn pickup at Tedco and Patriot's Day activities, we will not be offering any program in September. If your unit would benefit from commissioner guidance, please contact Jim Caron or myself by email and we will arrange a visit to support you!

Our first Roundtable this season will therefore be held on October 9th, at the Chester County Council headquarters, in the Board Room on the lower level. Part of the rationale behind this is that our major space conflict is with the schools (not able to meet there in sept., Oct., or April...)
All roundtables held in Lenni Lenape District begin at 7:30 PM, ending at 9 PM, and are scheduled to be held the second Thursday of every month, through June. Leaders are encouraged to gather at 7 PM for information, handouts and conversation with the Commissioner staff.

The November Roundtable, will be conducted as our first Council-wide Roundtable program, over at the Downingtown Presbyterian Church. Leaders are encouraged to gather at 7 PM for displays and information with a start time of 7:30 PM, ending by 9 PM. The program for this effort will be revealed on the Council Website soon, and directions to DPC will be available online.

We will return to Peirce Middle School for our December Roundtable, to he held on 12/11/08.
As it ever was, our Roundtable meetings are open to the "Scouting public", not just scoutmasters and Cubmasters. Please attend and bring your questions and ideas to share!