April 29, 2008

Come, All Ye Faithful! Join The Team...

The Lenni Lenape District is reviving the tradition of holding monthly meetings of the district committee. Our meetings will be conveniently held on the first Thursday of every month. For now, we will hold them at the Chester County Council office, in the basement meeting room. They will start on time at 7:00 PM, and should end by 8:30 PM. We do not plan to meet as a committee in July, (and will meet in June for a brief meeting prior to the picnic at Oakbourne Park.)

We are actively pursuing willing and able Scouters to re-staff the committee in several vital areas, building towards our annual business meeting in December. Our goal is to fully staff the committee at the annual business meeting by electing a "slate of committee members" to serve in 2009, along with a District Chairman to lead the committee.

Our meeting this Thursday evening will focus on three areas of immediate impact to our district: First, we will be planning our wrap-up efforts for the Friends of Scouting campaign this year. Secondly, we will be addressing Spring recruitment efforts (and planning for a Tiger Day on July 11th, after Day Camp ends at noon.) Lastly, we will be setting up a New Leader Essentials Training for May 29th to meet some urgent training needs within the District.

Additionally, we will be discussing the criteria that we need to meet to achieve Centennial Quality District status. Our mission is to provide the service, structure and support that units in the Lenni Lenape District need to conduct a quality program for youth. If you would like to become a contributing volunteer on one of our operating committees, please share your interest with District Chairman Ken Domboski or District Director Jim Langer.

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