November 19, 2009

Good Citizen Recognition Evet is February 3rd!

The annual District Awards Ceremony will be held Wednesday, February 3, 2010, starting at 7:30pm. The event will be held at the Chester County Court House, in West Chester. Please arrive by 7:15pm and wear your uniform. Friends and families are welcome. Parking is available in the parking garages near the Court House. During the ceremony, both Webelos and Scouts will be recognized with an official certificate, representing their commitment to maintaining the standards of good citizenship. Scouts can be working on or have completed any of the Citizenship Merit badges, and Webelos can be working towards or have completed a good turn.

All the necessary forms that need to be completed for this event can be obtained electronically by visiting the Lenni Lenape District page of the Council Page, under the forms library heading. Please visit to obtain these forms.

This year we will be again offering the Boy Scouts who have completed one of the Citizenship Merit Badges, the opportunity to spend a day with a local public official. Attached are the required forms for Boy Scouts to participate in the Shadowing Day. The forms must be sent to the Council Service Center by Friday, January 15, 2010. Scoutmasters, please make sure all scouts have a parent’s signature on the attached Shadowing Form. Please make extra copies of this form for each participant within your troop.

**Please remind the scouts to attend their shadowing day. The public officials involved work their schedules around the time the scout is in attendance. If there is a conflict due to day, time, or illness, the scout must contact the official directly to make further arrangements. The scout will be sent a confirmation, as to who they will be spending the day with, as will the public official.
*This award is given only once as a Webelos Scout and only once as a Boy Scout.
If you have any questions, please contact Ann Marie Moore at 610-431-7957.


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